Jada Deal I am very excited to be your librarian at Magee High School this year. I earned my Associates Degree from Hinds Community College and my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education and my Master's Degree in Education from William Carey University. I have been in Education for twenty-six years. I taught for twenty-five years in the Simpson County District. During my tenure I taught twenty two years at MMS and three years at Magee High School. This is my third year at Magee High in the position of Library Media Specialist. I am very excited to be your school librarian and to serve the students and teachers at Magee High School. I look forward to seeing you in the Library.

Magee High School Library
magee high school library
Our Goal

It is the goal of the library media center to assist the school's mission in fostering and educating a community of life-long learners. The Magee High School library media center supports the teaching/learning process by providing access to both print and leisure reading in the completely automated circulating collection which is supported by Book Systems software. Four public computers allow library patrons to connect to numerous research· databases provided by Magnolia. Also, computer programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, as well as the Internet are available for school· and research purposes. A networked laser printer is available for school purposes. The library houses a computer lab consisting of 24 computers for classroom use, and a conference room, containing the magazine collection, is available to both students and faculty. The magazine collection consists of a variety of educational, news, and leisure selections. The school's audio/visual equipment is located in the library available for circulation to the teachers and staff.


It is the goal of the library media center to assist the school’s mission in fostering and educating a community of lifelong learners, to help students become critical thinkers, skillful researchers, and responsible users of ideas and information, and to also inspire an enjoyment of reading.

Library Schedule

7:20 - 3:00 Open Library